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Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:09 pm
by edgerat
I can sell ice to eskimo's, if you guys arm me with enough rules and regs so I know what I am up against I can baffle em with bullsh**. I am not being arrogant I have a gift for it :D

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:14 pm
by mordecai
edgerat wrote:I can sell ice to eskimo's, if you guys arm me with enough rules and regs so I know what I am up against I can baffle em with bullsh**. I am not being arrogant I have a gift for it :D
You're hired! :P

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:41 am
by ajj
Do you have Bylaws? Read them carefully. What are the rules already in place for Club governance? How are basic changes proposed and made, what notice is required? What is a quorum and how many votes are required?
Don't get skewered by Robert's Rules of Order. They only skewer people who don't know what they are. Read them, understand them and use them to keep the loudmouths from skewering you by IGNORING the Rules.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:27 am
by mordecai

Are things a go tonight at TSC's General Meeting?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:48 am
by shakes
Yes they are.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 10:28 pm
by mordecai

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 3:57 am
by Bob259
While this isn't about your situation I thought I'd mention ours to show we all suffer the same pains in our clubs, ours shows even more stupidity.

At our club the indoor range back stop is in poor shape, so much so we are getting a great deal of back splatter, I had one piece of lead hit my arm and I had to pull it out and others have been hit in the face hard enough to draw blood. To make an even longer story short, a committee was formed to look at options, plate over the shooting area, all new range back, etc. New steel and a rebuild including labor was around $27k, we have $12k set aside and $6K to re-plate over the shooting impact area was ruled out. We asked for the additional $6k to buy the steel ($18K) now as steel is going up daily and continue to work on the remaining amount. Tuesday, the shotgun folks voted it down, the same people that just go out and spend $5K on their birds and don

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:14 am
by shakes
GOOD NEWS!!!! Made excellent progress at the meeting last night. The board has decided that they want to work with us and keep the range open and use it rimfire for general public liked discussed as before and keep the match's on the weekends and still allow the pistol silhouette to shoot as well with the traps being made and the rails being raised. The issue with the power line being raised and $6,000.00 and change being spent to do so is no longer an issue, we've decieded to dig out the berm under the power line and use the dirt for other needs. We have the ok to rent power equipment to dig the neccesarry sand pits in front of the pistol stands to catch missfires at the ground. We got the ok for Rassmussen to but whatever amount of sand needed as well. At this point I don't think money is an issue any more, the board really want's to see us back on the range holding match's again. The issue with the person making accustations toward certain people removing equipment from the range that was left out for three weeks, the board knows about this also and holds the individual responsible fro leaving his tools outside and not locking them up is his own fault and will talk to him about leaving his tools out in the future. Any disagreement with this individual about anything should be taken to the board and they will handle it. Basically this individual has taken himself out of the loop all together, but we still need to be diplomatic with this individual and "go through him" if you will. All in all this depressing situation has turned itself around and with any luck and a lot of volunteer's to get the work done (all of has to be done by us) we should be shooting by august (fingers crossed). We should be welding on the chicken "coup" for a mock up to see if the design will work or if we need to modify it slighty by next week, sometime after mother's day. HOORAY FOR US!!!! :D

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:27 am
by shakes
I'd like to agree with Bob in his post. That's what we thought they wanted to do at first but I think when they saw they oppsition they had they changed there mind's. At the meeting last night I saw a lot of "groups" sitting togher at tables. One table was archery guys another were the trap and skeet guys another was the highpower rifle guys and it seemed like each table has there own agenda for the club. The Archery guys want to get rid of the shotgun guys and so on, its like a vicious circle at some of the meetings I've been to and that's why I decided to stop going because of all the bullshit politics with the club. Now I understand that you have to go to make sure your interest in the club is not taken away. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying all archery guys and shotgun guys are like this and not all clubs are like this but this does happen and I have seen it first hand.

Bob unfortunatly it might take a lawsuit to make the board pull there heads out of the sand but by then its to late and you could loose the range alltogether.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:35 am
by mordecai
Good news and Good Work Shakes. It seems that we'll have to add the 1st Wed Meeting to each of the shooter's monthly agenda if they want to continue enjoying the bi-monthly $5 matches, eh?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:43 am
by Bob259
shakes wrote:......unfortunatly it might take a lawsuit to make the board pull there heads out of the sand but by then its to late and you could loose the range alltogether.
Like you guys are doing, we attend all the monthly meetings and keep bringing it up. Sooner or later we'll be heard. Indoor is done till September now so we have a few months to work on them and still try and get some fixes in place, even if they are temporary.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:48 am
by shakes
Thanks, but alot of praise goes to Byron and Blair for their efforts as well and everbody who's helped so far. I was thinking that we need to start a silhouette commitee since you blackballed your self from the the rifle committe by stealing shit and leaving threating messages on board members phones :lol: . And we may even need to raise the price to 7 bucks a rifle :cry: . Yes I will volunteer to head the silhoette commitee.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:04 pm
by mordecai
House Committee Meeting this Tuesday @ 7:30pm.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:03 am
by mordecai
Report from House Meeting:

In a nutshell, the Board actually set foot on the range and have had a few epiphanies...

Thanks to Byron for walking them through the processes and his hard work and dedication. There's a chance some real work will start soon to which we're going to expect to see the shooters show up or you'll have no one to blame if this range never opens again.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:43 pm
by shakes
I know I'm supposed to be the man in charge but have had a real busy work week( people on vacation and I have to do their work as well as mine) and lost or accidently threw the contact list away. My bad, I know. So if we loose the range its my fault. :cry: