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Midsouth Classic Early Check-in Request

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 12:27 pm
by GeoNLR
Frank and I are making some arrangements for Thursday night. We are planning on going out and having a Steak at The Butcher Shop in Little Rock ( We are then planning on getting together for a poker game (Texas Hold

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:11 am
by papabear
Thursday night? How about us staying Sunday night.... nothing...

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:46 am
by Innocent
How about us staying Sunday night.... nothing...
Hey Papabear, you sure you want to party with Chicken on Sunday night?Seems like my memory is that is when he gets really rowdy....

I'll be there and we can find something to get into I'm sure.


Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:09 am
by jneihouse
The words "I'll cut you "expletive deleted" come to mind for some reason.....


Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:15 am
by genphideaux
They don't call it TA KILLYA for nothing.

"When Llittle Brothers Go Wild" coming to a restaurant near Benton soon.

Disclaimer: "I hope this in no way will reflect a poor image and make some shooters want to sell all thier equipment and leave the sport just because we mentioned alcohol, shooting and agressive nature all in the same post. This is strictly us being us. You would think they could get over themselves by now."

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:07 pm
by Innocent
Now listen Kitty and Dawg, I was referring to the first time we went to Tamales and somehow got questioned by the manager about having kiddie cups at the table when the Dawg and Chicken got into a cheerleading program something about "to be the man".....

That was a rather uneventful evening except for all of us heading for the restroom at the same time when there was a question about alcohol. And Mongo dropping a bottle outside the hotel across the street on the sidewalk before we all got seated.


Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:14 pm
by genphideaux
I would just like to add to all the self proclaimed trip planners out there who want to put us on a guilt trip each and every time we wish to have a little fun posting and remembering days gone by. We have heard it all before, the whining, complaining, belittling and general discourse with our actions. I donate my time and money to support this sport and further its evolution, I do so with little to no concern what you think or your actions will be. If you would only show up to one of the matches and see what really goes on then maybe you would have a sliver of information for the bases of your opinion. I have a Mother, a sister and a wife, there is no fourth position so quite trying to fill it. The Club house was put here for us to talk and raise cain without bothering the purist of our sport who wishes to only talk of shooting and forget the human factor. So take your guilt trips and pettiness somewhere else, we have survived this long with out your intervention and baseless opinions and I am quite sure we will do just fine without it. That ship has sail, get used to it.

Off my soap box, but jezz some people want to be a watch dog in an empty box.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:17 pm
by genphideaux
Innocent wrote:Now listen Kitty and Dawg, I was referring to the first time we went to Tamales and somehow got questioned by the manager about having kiddie cups at the table when the Dawg and Chicken got into a cheerleading program something about "to be the man".....

That was a rather uneventful evening except for all of us heading for the restroom at the same time when there was a question about alcohol. And Mongo dropping a bottle outside the hotel across the street on the sidewalk before we all got seated.

To be the man, you gotta beat the man.....WOOOOOOO


Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:14 pm
by Evelio Mc Donald
Damm Dawg.
Who the hell rattle your cage ??????

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:34 am
by genphideaux

Since I knew the RSVP would also include comments concerning drinking, shooting, memories and bragging that these two individuals could possibly try and add their guilt trip planning comments and as Barney Fife would say I tried to "Nip it in the bud".
After the passing of Dan Healey I have taken a closer look at what friendship means to me and just how much I am sick and tired of other individuals passing their guilt trips and opinions off as the accepted norm. When in fact they base their opinions on narrow minded, non factual, non observed information, thus proving how little they understanding of whom we are and how we interact even after 27 years.
Since theses individuals were more than willing to share their moral opinions once, I feel that they bare reprinting, I have attached their forum names as so not to miss credit anyone

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:55 pm
by glen ring
If my reply to Tx Charlies post offended any shooter , I apoligize profusley. That was not my intent, I assure you.

My intent is to promote shooting in a positive manner.
I know that when alcohol is introduced into almost any situation the silly factor goes up and I don't think that alcohol and firearms go together. Ever.

I've seen to many bad things happen as a result of mixing the two, even among the most professional of folks.

I try to recruit responsible shooters as often as possible, the last being a very liberal criminal defense attorney who made a very good living sueing Police Officers. She now wants to learn how to shoot and will probably apply for my state's concealed carry permit. She and I are at different ends of the political spectrum and we disagree on many issues, but I'll never discourage a responsible person from buying a gun, and learning how to shoot and lawfully carry it.

If I worded my reply poorly and gave anyone the impression that I think this is a bad sport then I'm truly sorry. The last line of my reply was left off of my quote on another reply. I believe that the majority of shooters are good folks but we need to weed out any bad apples and I truly believe that.

If you have any disagreement or heartburn then look me up next year at a match. After we've put the guns and car keys away for the day I'll gladly set down with anyone and calmly discuss any disagreements and even buy you your choice of beverage(s). Even if we can't come to total agreement I'll shake your hand and make sure you get back to your room safely because you are a fellow shooter and we need as many law abiding shooters as possible, but I'll never discourage you from voicing your opinion, no matter how much I agree or disagree with it . I want to continue to promote good safe shooters while learning as much as possible about this sport, but I respectfully decline the offer to let the internet door hit me in the ...well you know the rest.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:05 pm
by genphideaux
Glen Ring,

I will be more than happy to sit down and discuss why I feel that before you pass judgement upon this group that you first meet and see how we all handle ourselves. I was told by my grandfather to first walk a mile in anothers shoes before you judge them. I feel this advice is just as relevent today as when it was passed to me. I feel that from your posts that you not only have passed judgement on us but you labeled us beer guzzling bubba's without have meet us. That to me seems like alot of nonfactual based opinions for someone who does not know me or my friends and then to start the name calling, well lets just say I was taught better.

You had this to say after attending a few match "I shot smallbore silhouette at the Old Fort Gun Club and Tulsa Red Castle gun club. Everyone was a gentleman or Lady and was very helpful and extremely friendly. No drunks wanting to fight, no loud cursing, no bad sportsmanship." I think you will find this type of enviroment at ever match you attend.

You also said "I believe that the majority of shooters are good folks but we need to weed out any bad apples and I truly believe that." Sir we have been doing this for many years we know who they are and have handled them as is required, no need to state the obvious.

What is said here in the clubhouse is just us having fun when we are apart, we tend to act like one big family. I would invite you to pull up a chair and enjoy, but if it is not to your liking I wish the best.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:04 pm
by glen ring
I have not called you a name . I have chastized unsportsmanlike behavior. Please don't turn my reply into something it's not. I have not judged an entire group . As I've said for the third time, I believe that the majority of shooters are good folks. I have not called any group beer guzelling bubbas. I have indicated I don't want anyone to think that of shooters. You have your turn on things and I have mine, but I would never disrespect you . Your two cents woth have been voiced and I've voiced mine. When you say that "this is us, just being us" then I hope you're referring to all shooters. I hope you understand that "this is me just being me" . I've stated in a broad manner to anyone, and now to you, if you ever want to calmly discuss any differences we may have I'll gladly do so and buy you the beverage of your choice while doing so, but I'll never disrespect you as a person on a public forum or in front of a crowd. I offer the same for anyone wanting to discuss how to give shooters and firearms owners a positive image to even the liberal left.

If you feel persoanlly offended at my reply, I feel you've read too much into it. That post was directed at an activity, not any one person.

If you agree that we need to be as positive a role model for firearms ownership as possible then were both playing for the same side, but not as team members.

Good luck to you sir. Whether we become better friends or better strangers is irrelavant in the grand theme of things, as long as we promote the shooting sports and firearms ownership in a positive manner.