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2021 NC State SBS Championship Tournament

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:03 pm
by ShootingStar
The North Carolina Smallbore Silhouette Championship Tournament will be held at the Asheville Rifle & Pistol Club on June 5 & 6.
Format is 2, 40-shot matches on Saturday for Smallbore Silhouette Rifle followed by 2, 40-shot matches on Sunday for Smallbore Silhouette Hunting Rifle.
Of course the Friday prior - from 12pm - 6pm will be Registration, Squadding, and practice.
Come on up to the mountains of Western North Carolina where altitude affects attitude! We'll have a good time!

This is a little late on the posting, but you have until May 7 to register for the free tee shirt.
Mark on the form if you want extra shirts (I forgot to put a space for it!) - they are $15 each.

ShootingStar - Greg Chandler, Match Director
2021 North Carolina Smallbore Silhouette Championship Tournament.docx
2021 North Carolina Smallbore Silhouette Championship Tournament.pdf