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Safety glasses while on the firing line…

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 6:29 pm
by cedestech
That white spot on the rim is were some ricochet hit me and another piece his the binoculars my wife was spotting with…. We were shooting pistol cartridge lever action and on the pig line…. ;)


Re: Safety glasses while on the firing line…

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 5:56 am
by atomicbrh
As I have stated here before, even our Kowa spotting scope wears safety classes in the form of a clear protective lens. You cannot believe how many pecks are in that clear lens. Was there any other competitions such as steel challenge, uspsa or action pistol occurring at the same time on adjacent ranges? The majority of the cuts I have received over the years came from jacketed pistol bullet fragments flying over adjacent berms from pistol competitions. They shoot jacketed bullets to prevent smoke from obscuring the targets and if a pepper popper is the stage stopper target, they drive it down with bullets to make it fall quicker and shorten their stage times. As the pepper popper starts to lay down, the target is at unsafe angles throwing bullets and fragments up into the air at all kinds of weird angles.

Re: Safety glasses while on the firing line…

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 7:26 am
by Merlin
Very common occurrence when shooting steel. Any minor surface crater or bends in the surface increases the likelihood of this many times over.

Even if you have a spare eye wear glasses from the time you exit your car until you get back into it to leave the range.

Re: Safety glasses while on the firing line…

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:12 pm
by mordecai
I recently took a ricochet to the back during a plate match. I was easily 3-times the distance from the firing line as the shooters.

I lived.


Re: Safety glasses while on the firing line…

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 12:56 pm
by Jetmugg
Side note = if you want to sell those damaged image-stabilizing binoculars cheaply, please let me know. :))