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Changing Light

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:14 am
by 375Short
In the sport of Silhouette What effect does changing light conditions have on point of aim versus point of impact?

Is the effect the same from shooter to shooter or open sight versus scope?

Does it matter if the shooter is in the same light as the target? Like a covered versus uncovered shooting line.

More specifically, as a general rule how does the spotter call the adjustment for a shooter? Let’s say Rams and the shooter zeroed during bright light then a big sun snuffing cloud changes things to a much flatter lower light.
Then, for us with dyslexia, is the change the same if they zeroed in low light then the sun comes out in all it’s bright glory?

Re: Changing Light

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:26 am
by Emietenkorte
My experience with variable lighting conditions has taught me that pretty much anything can happen. Sometimes it goes high, sometimes it goes low, sometimes it stays the same. What stays constant however, is the feedback from my spotter and me calling my shots. If I break a shot in the middle of the animal and it goes low then I might come up. If I break in the middle and it goes high then I might go down. I believe the best thing you can do is listen to your spotter and, at least for rimfire, watch your shots and see if it hits where you broke.

Re: Changing Light

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:41 am
by Emietenkorte
I forgot to add, keeping it simple and just listening to your spotter and making a decision to go up or down based on their recommendation also keeps your mind focused on the target and less on lighting conditions.