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Yikes - The NYPENN RSC is this weekend!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:19 am
by Mike Sporer

Wow, the time sure has flown by! The NYPENN Regional Silhouette Championship is this weekend - smallbore on Saturday August 30 and air rifle on Sunday August 31st. All the info can be found by following the NYPENN link from our main web site here:

Hope to see you there!


Mike Sporer
BCSA Silhouette

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:22 am
by richard
I would love to come to your match but we have local stuff that conflicts. Lever action at Central jersey on sat. and AR Field Target at Falls on Sunday.
Someday when we have an open date a car load of us delaware valey guys will show up.