iron sight air rifle & 1/5th scale targets?

Pumps, pre-charged, springers and everything else pneumatic.
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iron sight air rifle & 1/5th scale targets?

Post by CoolArrowMarksman »

I'm having a lot of fun shooting irons again now that i've picked up lever action.

I have a ton of 1/5 scale and 1/4 inch thick chickens that go FLYING off the rail, over the berm, and in to the tall grass at CTSA in new braunfels.

I'm thinking I can set the little guys up at the air rifle meter distances and plink with a good air rifle at some other ranges with a post and peep set up to get more reps in on iron sights? won't have to jump through the hoops of finding a good parallax scope, just a williams sight and lyman front post.

What do ya'll think? would the math and scaling work out? 1/5 scale chickens at 20 yards?
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Re: iron sight air rifle & 1/5th scale targets?

Post by dhatch »

I have a set of 1/5 scale animals that are 1/8” thick. I shoot a HW77 with a post and Williams peep. I just shoot them at the regular air rifle distance in yards. I do enjoy that.
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Re: iron sight air rifle & 1/5th scale targets?

Post by Grantmac »

You might ring a few rams unless you have a particularly powerful rifle.
The other option is 1/10 scale at air pistol distances.
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Re: iron sight air rifle & 1/5th scale targets?

Post by CoolArrowMarksman »

haha ain't it always that way?
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Re: iron sight air rifle & 1/5th scale targets?

Post by CoolArrowMarksman »

Grantmac wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:31 pm You might ring a few rams unless you have a particularly powerful rifle.
The other option is 1/10 scale at air pistol distances.
That's a great option!
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Re: iron sight air rifle & 1/5th scale targets?

Post by dustinflint »

We have a game with air rifles shot at 1/5-scale targets at the air rifle silhouette distances, 20, 30, 36 & 45 yards.

Our rule is any unmagnified sight on any airgun legal for regular air rifle silhouette. Most folks use red dot sights but there is a fair amount of olympic sights too.

It's almost exactly the same scale as the lever action targets. It's a lot of fun. We haven't shot it in a while - need to get back at it.

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Re: iron sight air rifle & 1/5th scale targets?

Post by richard »

We used to do a non-NRA match with 1/10 scale silhouettes(the proper size for air rifle). 20 shots at 20 yards or meters using five of each animal. We shot any air rifle with any sights that did not damage targets. Many shot that match using iron sights. Fun and easy to set up and run. If 20 shots is not enough shooting then re-entry can be allowed.
Good fun match for indoors or outside.
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Re: iron sight air rifle & 1/5th scale targets?

Post by dhatch »

I had this game lined up as a side game for the 2021 Coop Shoot, but then the Coop collapsed 10 days before the scheduled date. There was just waaayyyy to much happening preparing for the 2022 tournament to consider it. We simply did not have the time to dig that stuff out then. I have since dug the animals out and is what I do to train for a lever rifle tournament. I shoot a springer with a Williams and a blade.
If enough interest is shown I’ll be more than happy to set it up for 2023. Any air rifle iron sights, .177 or .22 caliber only. The first match you shoot determines your class. $5.00 entry fee. Winner of each class takes all the money from that class entries unless someone is sandbagging then a sandbag is awarded to the culprit with great fanfare. We’ll also have the running deer game again.
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Re: iron sight air rifle & 1/5th scale targets?

Post by dhatch »

Oh. Red dot sights are fine also.
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