Southern Nationals Update

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Southern Nationals Update

Post by duckgumbo »

Jerry and I want to bring everyone up to date about the Southern Nationals. As of April 24, 2008 at 4:00 PM we have 183 competitors registered for this match.

If anyone has not sent in their entry, please do so or let me know via email at so that I can be sure and have each person put in the requested squad as best that I can. Most of the squads and banks have been filled up. We are going to try and hold two banks empty until the match; however, since the squads are on a first come, first serve basis, the squads and banks are filling up fast. Most of the 57 slots left are on banks with three or less places on them. The two empty banks will hold 6 shooters each.

Please be sure and check on your room reservations as we had a shooter from El Paso call today and tell us that there are no rooms in Rayville! If you have not made reservations, I suggest that you try Delhi, LA as it is much closer than Monroe.
Sgt. O'Ducky
Ftard Troop
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