The State of the MCRC Range

Centerfires, rimfires, pistol cartridges and everything in between.
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The State of the MCRC Range

Post by AMB »

It's come to my attention, most notably in a previous thread, that there are some questions, confusion, complaints :?: about the state of our range and targets. I'd like to address and clear this up.

Our Smallbore CLA targets are not PC targets. They're the same rimfire targets we've used for almost 20 years and have used in hosting 5 NRA Hunter Pistol/Smallbore HP National Championships . They are fine, the same goes for the Pistol Cartridge/Hunter Pistol Targets, and our full size CLA targets. Quite a few National records in both Hunter Pistol/SBHP, SBCLA/CLA-PC, and CLA have been set on our range shooting these targets.

However, we have about 10 or 12 full size CLA Rams that we purchased from another club that had been mounted on a automatic reset system. These were reinforced in the leg area because of the way they were mounted, and I'm guessing are 7 or 8 pounds heavier than the rest, maybe even 10. Keep in mind that these were not excessively heavy Rams to begin with, they started out as targets that were well within the parameters of weight that we all prefer to shoot on. But, because of the reinforcing in the legs may be as much as 10 or 12% heavier than there brothers. (Personally, I've shot on ranges that had rams that were still heavier, than these reinforced leg ones we have.) We've spread these evenly through out the banks so that no one has the disadvantage of shooting only these heavier Rams.

We don't need the money we make from hosting shoots. Which is not very much, considering the effort. Like most clubs we have very few active members, and if it wasn't for our President who acts as our Match Director, and by the way didn't even shoot at the regional we hosted in July, we wouldn't be having any. Yet we have improved the layout of our range over the last few years, including some changes for the better this year :D . We are also, hopefully before States at the end of September, will have replaced our 50 meter stands with much improved stands for the 1/2 scale pigs and CLA chickens :D . We will when we get a chance, remove the reinforcing on the Rams.

I think this pretty clearly, lays out the condition of our range and where we're headed. If there are still any concerns, doubts, or complaints :?: , don't know what to tell you. Build a range, get targets, and run shoots. We need more ranges. :D

In the mean time, if you come to shoot a match at our range rest assured that you will attend a very well run and organized event. You'll also have, as other have done, a perfectly legitamate chance to meet your shooting goals, and shoot good scores. Al Bean
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